picture of cubes

Last Updated: 01/09/2024

Privacy Policy

Generlate is committed to protecting your privacy. We collect both user-provided and automatically gathered information to enhance our service.

  • Information Use: We use collected information to improve our service, understand user interaction, and communicate about our service.
  • Information Sharing: We do not sell your information. It may be shared with trusted third parties to provide and improve our service or as required by law.
  • Data Protection: We take measures to protect your personal information, including online encryption.
  • User Rights: You have the right to access, update, or delete your information and to opt-out of communications.
  • Cookies: We use cookies and similar technologies for website functionality and user experience enhancement.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content on Generlate's website, such as text, graphics, logos, and software, is protected by intellectual property laws and is either owned by Generlate or used under license.

  • Property Rights: Unauthorized use of our intellectual property is prohibited.

Terms of Use

By using the Generlate website (https://generlate.com), you agree to these Terms of Use. Our service allows you to generate 3D models based on text input.

  • Intellectual Property: All content and services on Generlate, including algorithms and 3D models, are our intellectual property or that of our licensors.
  • User Conduct: You must not misuse our services or attempt unauthorized access to our systems.
  • Liability: We are not liable for indirect or consequential damages arising from your use of Generlate.
  • Modifications: We may modify these terms and will notify you of significant changes.
  • Governing Law: Disputes will be governed by Florida law and U.S. federal law. EU consumers may be exempt from certain jurisdiction clauses.

Governing Law

All legal matters related to Generlate are governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Florida. For EU consumers, specific provisions may apply.

  • Dispute Resolution: We aim to resolve disputes amicably. Unresolved disputes may be subjected to mediation or legal action under applicable law.
  • Jurisdiction: Legal jurisdiction and venue for disputes are in Palm Beach County, Florida, unless you are an EU consumer.

Changes and Updates Notice

We continuously update and improve Generlate, which may lead to changes in our content, services, and legal documents.

  • Notification: Significant changes will be communicated via our website, email, or direct notifications.
  • Review Encouraged: We encourage regular review of our legal documents. Continued use after changes implies acceptance.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding our legal policies, please feel free to reach out to us at:

Email: austencabret@generlate.com

We aim to respond to all inquiries promptly and appreciate your feedback and questions.